Study Abroad Business Courses
This database allows users to search course evaluations for business courses offered on UI study abroad programs. Non-business courses like gen eds or other major/minor courses are not listed in this database.
Below are a few tips for using this system:
You can search courses by the country where you plan to study, study abroad program name, and/or UI course number or UI course prefix (FIN, MGMT, MKTG, etc.).
This database includes approved and denied courses so that you can see all evaluations for each program.
If a course is denied for direct equivalency to a UI course and you decide to take it anyway, it will count as business elective credit.
- Course evaluations are valid for five years. Please take note of the reevaluation date listed next to the course to ensure the evaluation is valid at the time you plan to submit your Credit Approval Form.
- If you have any questions, please email
If your study abroad program is offering a business course that you would like to take and it is not listed in this database, please complete a course evaluation form →